Special Expression Part 2

Hello BBIO lovers
Pada bahan sebelumnya aku sudah memperlihatkan beberapa pola special expression dalam bahasa Inggris. Jika belum membaca dapat klik link Di Sini.

Kali ini aku akan menambahkan pola special expression yang lainnya. Masih banyak contohnya, antara lain: 

- a new born baby = bayi yang gres saja lahir, more or less = kurang lebih

The stomach of a new born baby, before being fed, is more or less as big as a naturally, holds much more than a baby's

- the kind of life that he had lived = warna kehidupan yang telah dialami

Much of what he wrote later was actually the kind of life that he had lived before.

- couldn't stand it = tak tahan lagi

I couldn't stand it even for another minute

- in short = pendek kata, singkatnya, in many ways = dalam banyak sekali hal

In short, they are superior to the earlier models in many ways.

- on the other hand = sebaliknya

On the other hand, to a man who has no children the sound of crying baby may be pleasant to him, especially if he desires to have one.

- It is a pity = sayangnya, remains something else = masih merupakan sesuatu yang asing

It is a pity, however, that to change the abundant sunlight into energy remains something else

- whether or not = tak jadi soal

Whether or not this old lady was world famous is not important here.

- a permanent peace = perdamaian abadi

People all over the world have been very eager for a permanent peace.

- a cease fire = gencatan senjata

As it became more serious, two years later the UN tried to help arrange a cease fire.

- on the contrary = sebaliknya

Jambi, 5 July 2015

Related : Special Expression Part 2

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