Waiter : Did you enjoy your meal?
Apakah Anda menikmati masakan Anda?
John : Yes. It was very delicious indeed. I haven’t eaten so well within the last few months.
Ya. Makanannya memang lezat sekali. Saya belum pernah makan lezat begini dalam beberapa bulan terakhir ini.
Waiter : Good. I am glad you enjoyed it. Would you like to order something for desserts?
Bagus. Saya bahagia Anda menikmatinya. Apakan Anda mau memesan sesuatu untuk basuh mulut?
John : What do you have today? Do you have something special?
Ada apa hari ini? Apakah Anda punya sesuatu yang istimewa?
Waiter : Just a moment. Sir. I’ll take the dessert trolley.
Tunggu sebentar. Saya akan mengambil alat untuk membawa basuh mulut.
John : Can you tell me what they are?
Bisakah Anda memberitahukan aku apa sajakah itu?
Waiter : On the top there is chocolate gateau, apple pie and Charlotte Russe. And underneath the’s Blackcurrant.
Di bab atasnya terdapat Chocolate Gateau, apple pie dan Charlotte Russe. dan di bab bawah ada Blackcurrant.
John : OK. I’ll have the apple pie.
Ok. Saya mau apple pie.
John : Could I have the bill now, please?
Bisa aku minta billnya?
Waiter : Certainly, sir. I have it ready here.
Tentu. Saya sudah siapkan.
John : Thank you.
Terima kasih.
I’ll go to the cashier now.
Saya akan pergi ke kasir sekarang..
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