Receptionist : Good evening. Can I help you?
Selamat malam. Bisa aku Bantu?
Guest : Good evening, my name is John and I made a reservation a week ago.
Selamat malam. Nama aku john dan aku memesan kamar satu ahad yang lalu.
Receptionist : Just a moment, please. Let me check it first.
Tunggu sebentar, agar aku periksa dulu.
Yes, Mr. John, here it is. One single room from April 23rd to May 2nd.
Ya, Mr. John, ini dia. Satu kamar untuk satu orang dari tanggal 23 April hingga 2 Mei.
Guest : Yes, that’s right.
Ya, betul.
Receptionist ; Could you fill in this registration card, please?
Bisa anda isi kartu pendaftaran ini?
Guest : Right.
Is it necessary to fill in the passport information?
Apakah perlu mengisi keterangan mengenai paspor?
Receptionist : Yes, please fill it completely.
Ya, tolong diisi dengan lengkap.
Guest : Here you are. I think I have filled it correctly.
Ini, aku sudah mengisinya dengan lengkap.
Receptionist : Yes, That’s fine. Here is your key. It’s room 345 on the third floor. The rate is US$ 120 per night, including breakfast and service charge.
Ya, baik. Ini kunci kamar anda. Kamar 345 di lantai 3. Tarif kamarnyaUS$ 120 per malam, termasuk sarapan pagi dan biaya pelayanan.
Guest : Is it possible for me to get something to eat now?
Apakah mungkin bagi aku untuk mendapat sesuatu untuk dimakan sekarang?
Receptionist : Yes, Our restaurant is still open now. It’s in the 3rd floor.
Ya, restoran kau masih buka sekarang. Restoran kami ada dilantai tiga.
Guest : Good. I’ll put my luggage into my room first.
Baik, aku akan meletakkan barang-barang aku dulu ke kamar.
Receptionist : The porter will take them up in the lift and show you to the room.
Portir akan membawa barang-barang anda melalui lift dan mengambarkan kamar anda.
Guest : Right. Thank you. Good night.
Baik. Terima kasih. Selamat malam.
Some extra words
British | American | Meaning |
Holiday Reception Aircraft Queue Note Toilet Autumn Railways station Shop Engaged | Vacation Desk Airplane Line Bill Rest room Fall Train station Store Busy | Hari libur Penerimaan tamu Pesawat terbang Antri Rekening Kamar kecil Musim gugur Stasiun kereta api Toko Sibuk |
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