Coronavirus Pandemic In Indonesia, What Are The Symptoms Of Corona Virus?

 Indonesian people have begun to panic because there are some positive victims of suspecte  Coronavirus Pandemic in Indonesia, What are the Symptoms of Corona Virus?

In the last few days, Indonesian people have begun to panic because there are some positive victims of suspected corona that have begun to emerge. The latest news Sunday (03/15/2020) there were 21 new cases, Corona positive patients in Indonesia became 117 people. The numbers continue to rise, positive specimens are dominated from Jakarta.

This means that the movement of the corona virus outbreak has not yet reached its peak (the peak is still long). We need a map of the distribution of Coronavirus.

To learn more and make sure you get the correct information about Coronavirus (Covid-19), please visit the official situs web of the Indonesian Ministry of Health regarding preparedness guidelines in anticipation of Novel Coronavirus infections.

Difference between corona and covid-19 viruses

Actually corona virus and covid-19 differ only in labeling it. This disease was originally called Corona. So what is Corona Virus and why is it called Covid-19?

Corona virus or coronavirus is a large family of viruses that can cause disease in animals or humans. In humans, some coronaviruses are known to cause respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to more severe illnesses such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The most recently discovered corona virus causes COVID-19 coronavirus.

COVID-19 is a contagious disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus. This new virus and disease were not known before the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019.

To be easy to understand, Corona is the name of the virus, while Covid-19 is the official name for a disease caused by the Corona virus.

The naming of the virus was carried out by the World Health Organization (WHO), officially WHO named the Corona virus disease that was first identified in China on December 31 with the name Covid-19. Covid-19, which stands for 'Co' which means 'corona', 'Vi' for 'Virus', and "D" for 'Disease (disease)'.

WHO officially announced the Covid-19 outbreak as a global pandemic. This was announced on Wednesday (11/3/2020) night. Pandemics are epidemics that occur in a wide geographical area or spread globally.

What are the symptoms of Corona COVID-19 virus?

The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, fatigue, and dry cough. Some patients may experience aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat or diarrhea. These symptoms are usually mild and begin gradually. Some people become infected but do not feel any symptoms and feel unwell.

Most people (around 80%) recover from the disease without the need for special treatment. About 1 out of every 6 people detected with COVID-19 experience severe pain and breathing difficulties. From the distribution of cases to the present, people over the age of 60 / elderly, and those who have medical problems or a history of previous illnesses such as high blood pressure, heart problems or diabetes, are more likely to be infected with Covid-19 disease.

If you experience symptoms of fever, cough and difficulty breathing, you should immediately consult a doctor to get further medical treatment.

How does COVID-19 spread?

Everyone can get Covid-19 from other people who are infected with the virus. This disease can spread through small droplets from the nose or mouth that spread when someone with Covid-19 coughs / sneezes.

The droplets that hit the object and surface will then be transmitted or spread to others if they touch it, then touch their eyes, nose, or mouth. People can also get Covid-19 if they inhale drops from someone with Covid-19 who coughs or drops. This is why it is strongly recommended to maintain a distance of more than 1 meter from a sick person.

How to prevent the spread of Corona Virus

Use a mask if you are sick with symptoms of Covid-19 (especially coughing) or treating someone who might be suffering from Covid-19. Disposable masks can only be used once. If you are not sick or caring for someone who is sick then you will only waste a mask. Just so you know, at this time all over the world lacked masks, so WHO urged people to use masks wisely.

WHO recommends rational use of medical masks to avoid unnecessary waste and misuse of masks.

The most effective way to protect yourself and others against Covid-19 is to clean your hands frequently, cover the cough with elbows or tissues and keep a distance of at least 1 meter from people who cough or sneeze.

Keep your distance from people who are sick

Because everyone is potentially infected and at risk of contracting the corona virus, it is advisable to clean your hands regularly after going to the bathroom or before eating.

Lately there is a lot of buzz on social media about how to wear the right mask as there are many recommendations for wearing masks to protect yourself from the spread of the corona virus.

Remember, masks should only be used by health workers, nurses, and individuals with respiratory symptoms, such as fever and cough, or symptoms similar to Covid-19's disease. Before touching and using a mask, clean your hands with soap or water based alcohol.

Medical Masks

Because as you know, medical masks have two sides, a white part and a colored part. You need to know that a good medical mask has three layers:

Outer layer (colored part), as a waterproof layer; function to prevent body fluids (such as sweat, blood, or mucus) absorbed into the mask.

Middle layer, as a filter; function as a barrier to germs.

The inner layer (the white part), functions as a water absorber because usually breathing in a mask often causes damp and uncomfortable, that's where the white layer functions.

People who are consumed by hoaxes will think that it is the white layer that functions as a filter. In fact, the use of the right mask is with a colored layer outside and a white layer inside, not vice versa.

After use, remove the mask; remove the elastic loop from behind the ear while keeping the mask from your face and clothing, this is to avoid touching the surface of the potentially contaminated mask.

Dispose of the mask in the trash immediately after use. After that, clean your hands after touching or removing the mask. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer or, if it looks dirty, wash your hands with soap.

Related : Coronavirus Pandemic In Indonesia, What Are The Symptoms Of Corona Virus?

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