Reading 53

 Michelangelo was the greatest artist in a time of great men Reading 53

Buonarroti Michelangelo (1475 - 1564), Sculptor, painter, asrchitec, Michelangelo was the greatest artist in a time of great men. He lived during the Italian Renaissance when there was much creative activity. Men made huge strides in science and invention, in literature, and in politics. In art, the age's great achievement, Michelangelo led all others, Michelangelo was a short, wide - shouldered man with a face made homely by broken nose. At work he thought of nothing but the task in hand. He ate only a little bread, slept on the floor or on a cot beside his unfinished painting or statue, and never changed his clothes. He often kept his shoes on so long that when he finally took them, his skin came off with them.

He was devoted to his father, brothers and nephews. However, they rarely thanked him for all he did for them. He had a few close friends, who almost worshipped him, but most people thought him cold and unfriendly. He never married. His only friendship with a woman which has been recorded took place late in his life.

1. Michelangelo thought only of ....

a. the task in his hand
b. painting and statue
c. his clothes and shoes
d. his only friendship with a woman

2. Which of the following is true?

a. Michelangelo  made  huge strides in science and invention, in literature, and in politics.
b. His father, brothers and nephew were devoted to Michelangelo's life.
c. Michelangelo worshipped few of his close friends.
d. Michelangelo was an artist living in the Italian Renaissance time.

3. How did Michelangelo's friends behave him?

a. They thought nothing of him
b. They never thanked him.
c. They thought him cold and unfriendly.
d. They almost worshipped him

4. When he finally took them off, his skin came off with them. The word them in the sentence referst to...

a. his clothes
b. the shoes
c. the floor and the cot
d. the painting and the statue

5. What does the passage tell us about?

a. How Michelangelo worked.
b. The life of Michelangelo
c. The Italian Renaissance
d. Michelangelo's works

Jambi, 6 September 2015

kunci jawaban:
1) A 2) D 3) D 4) B 5 )B

Related : Reading 53

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