Reading 40

The origins of the horse go back to eohippus the  Reading 40

          The origins of the horse go back to eohippus the "dawn  horse" of me Eocene only 10 to 20 inches tall. Like its relatives the ancient tapir and rhinoceros, eohippus had four toes on its front feet, three on the rear, and teeth adapted to a forest diet of soft leaves. Eohippus died out about 5.1 million years ago in both North America and Europe.

          Late ancestral horse types moved from their forest niche out onto the grassy plains. Their teeth ac to accommodate to hard siliceous grass. No longer could these protohorses slip away through thick forest when dancer threatened. Escape now demanded speed and endurance Limbs crew longer. Extra toes became vestiges that were not visible externally

1. The passage mainly discusses the
(A) evolution of the horse                                                                            (B) size of eohippus
(C) animals of the Eocene                                     (D) plight of endangered species

2. The author states that eohippus was related to the
(A) horsefly                                                          (B) tapeworm
(C) hippopotamus                                                 (D) rhinoceros

3. What did the eohippus eat?
(A) Rhinoceros meat                                             (B) Soft leaves
(C) Hard siliceous grass                                        (D) Other horses

4. In what way did predators present less of a threat to eohippus than to later proto horses.
(A) Eohippus was hidden by the forest.                 (B) Eohippus could run farther.
(C) Eohippus was not edible.                                 (D) Eohippus was larger and stronger

5. The paragraph following the passage most probably discusses
(A) other changes that the rhinoceros has undergone
(B) more reasons for the extinction of eohippus
(C) further development of early horse types.
(D) the diet of eohippus.

Judul Spoiler:
1) A 2) D 3) B 4) A 5) C

Related : Reading 40

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